WGL Holdings, Inc.
1000 Maine Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone: (703) 750-2000
Corporate Governance Compliance Hotline
(800) 249-5360
Media Inquiries
Phone: (202) 624-6334 (Media Line)
E-mail: wglmedia@washgas.com
Emergency Contact
If you smell gas, or if you have an emergency involving natural gas, leave the area immediately, and call 911 or Washington Gas at 844-WASHGAS (select option 1 for the Emergency Leak Line).
Shenandoah Valley, Va., customers, call: (540) 869-1111 or (800) 566-7436
Customer Service
Washington Gas
Attn: Customer Care
6801 Industrial Road
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: (703) 750-1000
Automated Self-Service Line
Phone: (703) 750-7944
Telecommunication Relay Service/TTY/TTD
Phone: 711 or (800) 735-2258
Contact Us by Email
Please complete the online form.
Pay By Mail
Washington Gas
P.O. Box 37747
Philadelphia, PA 19101-5047
Career Opportunities
Washington Gas Springfield Facility
6801 Industrial Road
Springfield, VA 22151
Media Contact Information
24-Hour Contact Number:
(202) 624-6334
Call Before You Dig
Washington Gas Damage Prevention
Hotline: (800) 428-5364
District One Call:
811 or (202) 265-7177
Miss Utility of Maryland:
811 or (800) 257-7777
Miss Utility of Virginia:
Gas Conversion
Washington Gas Light Company
6801 Industrial Road, 3rd Floor
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: (703) 941-HEAT
Fax: (703) 750-7691
Email: 941sales@washgas.com
Unresolved Issues
If you have previously brought a matter to our attention and it remains unresolved, please contact our Customer Service Escalations Team for assistance.
WGL Energy - Vienna Office
8614 Westwood Center Drive
Suite 1200
Vienna, VA 22182-2260
(703) 333-3900
WGL Energy - Regional Sales (Baltimore)
400 East Pratt Street
Suite 710
Baltimore, MD 21202-3129 (USA)
WGL Energy - Regional Sales (Philadelphia)
1835 Market Street
Suite 2705
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2968 (USA)
(844) 427-5945
WGL Energy - Regional Sales (Pittsburgh)
707 Grant Street
Suite 3630
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1965 (USA)
(412) 918-1474
Customer Service
P.O. Box 7600
Hampton, VA 23666-9914
Phone: 1 (844) 4-ASK-WGL
Contact Information
Contact infoatHG@washgas.com
Phone: (304) 822-5664 or (304) 822-3355
If you smell gas, call 911. Then contact us 24 Hours at (800) 221-0221. Or call collect (703) 750-4371.
Call Before You Dig
West Virginia: 811
Miss Utility of West Virginia:
811 or (800) 245-4848